Help Us Provide Care medical care to children and pregnant women in crisis-affected countries.
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We are a non-governmental organization NON-PROFIT, we are guided by a sincere desire to help people in need. Our activities are mainly aimed at medical support and fight against malnutrition among children and pregnant women in third world countries. Our mobile clinic is equipped with professional diagnostic tools, thanks to which we effectively recognize patients' ailments and help them consciously. Thanks to our actions, we improve the quality of life of patients and prevent the deterioration of diseases.
PMC udziela pomocy całkowicie bezpłatnie, środki na jej realizację pochodzą od indywidualnych darczyńców.
Mission: Our Goal
The idea of PMC is based on getting to places which arehard to reach,where there is often a complete lack of medical care. As a mobile clinic, we change the location every few days to help as many patients as possible.
We put our whole heart into our work. The willingness to help and the opportunities set the directions for creating new humanitarian projects. Despite many difficult and uncomfortable situations, our team of volunteers does not give up and fights for a better future, both for our patients and for ourselves, because we believe that good energy returns :)
We provide medical and nutritional support to people in need in the poorest regions of the world. Our activities are comprehensive. They include research, diagnosis of diseases and providing medical support, as well as providing free medicines to those in need. In case of anemia, we provide specialized, high-calorie food.
Dzieci Ukrainy
Polsko-Ukraińska granica w Krościenko oraz transport w głąb Ukrainy.
Celem misji jest wsparcie humanitarne Dzieci Ukrainy.
Sytuacja wymaga wieloaspektowej pomocy, obejmującej wsparcie dla Ukrainy, pomoc na granicy oraz opiekę nad uchodźcami w Polsce. Główne cele to pomoc medyczna i żywieniowa, zaspokajanie bieżących potrzeb władz samorządowych po obu stronach granicy poprzez dostarczanie leków, namiotów, nagrzewnic, pościeli i posiłków oraz organizacja pomocy psychologicznej.
Children of Haiti
Port Au Prince, Port Salut, Jacmel,
Carrefour, Gonave, Cap Haitien,
Cazale (Polish village)
The project is aimed at humanitarian and medical aid for the youngest inhabitants of Haiti. The main goal of the mission is to diagnose and treat health problems of as many children as possible in the poorest regions of the country.
Desert Children
Wadi Rum (a desert village),
Zaatari (refugees Camp),
Al-Azrak (refugees Camp).
The project is scheduled to be implemented in April 2022. The goal of the mission is to provide medical assistance to children living in the Wadi Rum desert and to provide nutritional support to children living in the Zaatari camp (a camp for Syrian refugees located 80 km east of Amman, the capital of Jordan).
Support Us to Help Others
Supported by

Local Partners
Every project undertaken by the Polish Mobile Clinic Foundation is supported through cooperation with local partners, including medical institutions, NGOs, orphanages, and other organisations operating on-site. These partnerships enable us to work more effectively in the field, continuously deliver aid from Poland, and receive up-to-date information about the most urgent needs in each region.
Take a brief journey through our foundation’s past to learn about the key milestones in our history.

The day the Polish Mobile Clinic was established.

Our dream comes true as we launch the first mission, "Children of Haiti." We embark on our first humanitarian mission to Haiti.

Two days after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, we launch an aid project for civilians affected by the attacks.

We begin working with the international PayPal Partner Fundraising Platform.

We launch the Desert Children programme, providing aid to children in Syria.
Contact Us
PMC Polish Mobile Clinic
al. Armii Krajowej 54
50-541 Wrocław
Become a Volunteer
- Our foundation is built by people full of hope for a better tomorrow. If you feel the need to help, are a medical professional, or want to support the development of PMC, please get in touch with us.